Once your employee has enabled shift swapping at the business level, the shift swap workflow is as follows:
- Employee (Sunny) receives shift details and can choose to swap the shift by tapping “Swap shift”:
- Sunny selects an employee (Rosy) to swap the shift with, enters a note that will be viewed by Laura and taps “Submit”.
NB: The list of recommended employees that are available for selection are those that:
- can work at the location, ie location assigned in the file
- are able to work, ie not rostered elsewhere, unavailable or on approved leave
- employee has the work type (if this have been assigned in the shift)
- Rosy can see there is a pending shift swap from Sunny waiting to be actioned:
- Rosy taps on the shift to view all the shift details and Sunny’s reason for the swap:
- Laura can then accept or decline the shift swap. Laura accepts by tapping “Accept” and then “Yes, accept”:
- Sunny is notified immediately that Laura has accepted the shift swap.
- Where manager approval is required for a shift swap, the shift status will display for Laura as follows:
- When the manager approves or rejects the shift swap, both employees will be notified of the decision and the roster will be updated accordingly.