Employees are now be able to accept and/or decline shifts directly through their Email, Employee Self Service Portal and WorkZone.
You will receive either via Email or SMS, a notification of shift attendence. You will receive this message according to your preference that has been flagged under your Employee File -> Pay Run Defaults page.
Accepting and/or Declining a Shift via Email
By clicking the 'Review these shifts' link, you will be taken to a 'Review Shifts' page which will allow you to accept/and or decline your rostered shifts:
Accepting/and or declining a shift is simply a matter of clicking either the 'Accept' or 'Decline' button.
When declining, you must enter a reason:
Accepting a shift is a matter of clicking the 'Accept' button and then confirming that acceptance.
If rostered shifts are not actioned within the cutoff time, they will default to the business settings and display accordingly as either 'Accepted' or 'Declined'.
Accepting and/or Declining a Shift via the Employee Self Service Portal.
Within the Employee Self Service portal, employees can view their rostered shifts from within the calendar:
If there are a few shifts that need to be actioned, the best 'bulk' way to do this is to click on the 'Pending Shifts' option on the top of the calender. A box will then show all of the rostered shifts and a decline/accept option depending on the business rostering settings.
To action an individual shift, click on the shift itself on the calendar.
Again, you will see the Accept/Decline options depending on the business rostering settings.
Accepting and/or Declining a Shift via WorkZone.
When using WorkZone, the homepage will display the number of pending shifts:
To action an individual shift, click on the shift to see the details and select Accept or Decline:
To action multiple shifts at once, touch the 'Pending Shifts' line and select 'Decline all pending shifts' or 'Accept all pending shifts'.