This article will detail the following:
- Entering your leave request
- Editing a leave request
- Cancelling a leave request
- Leave balances
- Leave Calendar
When you first log in to your employee portal, you’ll be taken to your portal dashboard:
The functions shown on an employee's dashboard will vary as this depends on the features switched on by the employer.
Entering your leave request
To apply for leave through the Employee Self Service Portal you simply need to click the 'leave' icon on the left side of the page before clicking on 'Apply for Leave'.
From here, a dialog box will appear that requires you to enter the following details:
- Leave category: Available leave categories can be selected from the drop down. Leave categories included here are ones that the employee has access to;
- First/last day of leave;
- Leave required: Units required for the leave, expressed as either days, hours or weeks, depending on how the unit type of the leave category has been set up. This is an editable field and can be overridden by the employee, although the system will enter a figure based on either the business standard work hours, or another figure specific to the employee if they have advanced work hours set up;
- Available balance: Indicates the amount of leave you have available, NOT including approved leave;
- Leave balance: Indicates the amount of leave you have available INCLUDING approved leave;
- Approved leave: Indicates the amount of leave that has been approved (but not yet taken) for you;
- Notes: You can enter any notes that they think is relevant to the leave request. Your employer may have made entering this field compulsory.
- Attachment: You can attach a document (such as medical certificate) which can then be viewed by a manager when the leave request is submitted.
Once you select the type of leave that you require you will see further information about the available balance for the leave that you have selected. It will show the available balance, taking into account any approved future leave. If you have other leave requests that have been approved in the future, they will be displayed in the 'Approved Leave' field.
Hovering your mouse over the '*Estimate' text will show you a breakdown of how the total hours estimate was reached.
Once submitted the status of your leave request will immediately show as ‘Pending’. If you’ve attached a document, a paper clip will show, if you’ve added notes to your leave request, a talk bubble will also show.
Your manager, or person required to authorise your leave request will receive an email notifying them of the outstanding leave request awaiting their approval. Once the authorised person has actioned your leave request, you will receive an email notifying you of its status.
Editing a leave request
NOTE - you can only edit a leave request if it has not yet been applied or only part applied in a pay run. Fully applied leave can not be amended.
You can edit a leave request by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the request. You will be able to edit all fields if the leave request has not yet been applied, and edit the last day of leave, work hours, notes and attachments on a part applied leave request.
Cancelling a leave request
NOTE - you can only cancel a leave request if it has not yet been applied. Partially and fully applied leave can not be cancelled.
In order to cancel a leave request, you can click the trash can icon to the right of the request that the want to cancel. Once a leave request is cancelled, it will no longer show for managers to view.
Leave balances
The leave page will show you a summary of the leave balances available to you, any leave requests and their status - ‘Approved’ , ‘Pending’ or ‘Declined’. You can also see a record of your leave history:
Leave Calendar
Employees can view approved leave before entering a leave request. This will assist you when you want to apply for leave and not overlap other employees approved leave.
N.B. This is only an option if your employer has enabled it at a business level setting.
If this setting is enabled, when you log into your portal you can view the 'Approved Leave Calendar'. The calendar appears on the dashboard (home page) of the employee portal. To show other employees approved leave you need to tick the 'Show leave for other employees' box. Once ticked, the approved leave for other employees will appear. You can check the approved leave before applying for leave.